The weekend is over already. Yesterday was the first time i handle my kids all by myself.My husband attending one day left us all alone.This is the first time i am going to handle them.After all this while, it's me who left those kids with their dad on Saturday since i'm working half day.But i'll make sure that i left them with breakfast and brunch.So this is the chronologies of yesterday....
After Subuh pray, start to prepare breakfast for the family.Just a simple menu which is nasi goreng ikan bilis, telur dadar and sambal tumis udang.As for Eirfan, macaroni + chicken + carrot+ sawi (all blend together).
After breakfast,husband ready to go out.At this time,Eirfan woke up already.Normally he woke up at 6.30am then doze back after a bottle of milk.Erisya still sleeping. but Eirfan is the one that will wake up the sister.
Wake up Erisya.Give both of them a quick bath. I never bath 2 kids together (this is a record for me).Then feed them with the breakfast set prepared earlier
After done with vacumming all the carpet, swept the floor, Eirfan seem sleepy already.He's easy to put down to sleep. Me and Erisya decided to give the cats a quick bath since the weather quite hot compare to few days before. Erisya so happy with this.yelah...boleh main air!
Prepare simple lunch for the kids. Macaroni with chicken soup for Erisya, bubur macaroni for Eirfan.
Another round of 6oz milk for Eirfan.He's quite a heavy drinker. after lunch,Erisya wanted to have dadih which i bought at pasar malam.
Start to prepare diner for the kids.For us no need coz our neighbour have this "cukur jambul" ceremony. As for the kids, normally at babysitter house, they always took their diner around't want to change their time.Just a simple bubur nasi + ikan tenggiri + carrot + sawi. Decided 2 - in -1 (1 periuk kecik share 2 orang). For Eirfan, still need to blend.
Nap time for the kids and myself also( intention is to put them to sleep,as usual mummy diorang yang tido sama)
At this time,everyone dah siap mandi, makan.Husband pun dah sampai umah. and guess what...Erisya merajuk dgn papa dia.Coz why? as my husband went out, she didn't saw it.8.45pm
We are attending this cukur jambul of Ichlas Saad.And for my suprise, Erisya decided to wear tudung all along the ceremony!i'm so proud since everyone keep on saying..." Baiknya, pakai tudung". Erisya ate half of the rice in my husband's plate.
End of ceremony....dash home since kids were sleepy already.
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