Ten Reasons To Breastfeed
1. Increases Baby's IQ
Breastfeeding has been shown to increase your baby's intelligence quotient (IQ). The average increase is about 7 points. While it might not be the difference for acceptance to Harvard, we all need every point we can get!
2. Helps mom lose that baby fat.
There are certain fat stores that go on your body during pregnancy that are destined to be for breastfeeding. Breastfeeding helps tap into those stores and reduce the fat deposits laid down in pregnancy.
3. Breastfed babies are less likely to die of SIDS.
About 7,000 babies die every year from SIDS. While we don't know what causes SIDS, we do know what the risk factors are, that includes using formula to feed your baby. Breastmilk is one of the few factors that you can control.
4. Reduced allergies for breastfed babies.
Breastfeeding your baby causes baby to have fewer allergies. There are lots of reasons why this happens, but remember - Mother's milk is specific for each and every child. It changes throughout the day and throughout the span that you nurse.
5. Breastfeeding burns calories!
Breastfeeding requires about 500 calories a day to simply produce the milk. You can use those extra 500 calories to add more food to your diet or to help you lose weight after the birth.
6. Formula increases the risk of diabetes (type I).
Infants who are exposed to formula, particularly early on have a greater likelihood to develope Type I diabetes. Infants who were expressly breastfed for at least 5 months with no formula had lower rates of Type I diabetes. The longer they were breastfed, the lower the risk.
7. Postbirth benefits are also many.
By breastfeeding your body releases a hormone that helps your uterus contract, oxytocin. This can reduce your risk of postpartum hemorrhage or the need for other medications. Nursing also helps your uterus heal after birth and get back to its pre-pregnancy size.
8. Cancers decrease with breastfeeding too.
Your risk of developing breast cancer and other cancers is increased if you do not breast feed. Breastfeeding can help lower the incidence of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, etc.
9. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of obesity.
Not only will breastfeeding make your child more lean and healthy, it will help reduce days missed at work for illnesses, etc. Because nursing lowers the risk that your child will suffer from upper respiratory infections, ear infections, etc.
10.Breast milk is more digestible than formula
Since cow's milk contains about twice as much protein as human milk, formula-fed babies usually receive more protein than they need (much of it in the form of the less digestible casein). The stools of formula-fed babies are so bulky because the babies cannot absorb so much protein, and excrete the excess in their stool, whereas breast-fed babies absorb virtually 100% of the protein in human milk.
Ten Reasons Why Some Women Don't Breastfeed
- "I was raised on formula and I'm just fine." Chances are the formula you were given is no longer considered a fit food for infants. Do you want to take the same chance with your child?
- "I want my husband to bond with the baby too." There are many ways to bond with a baby, including holding, playing, and changing diapers. You will find that your baby keeps you both very busy, and any time spent with a baby is time for bonding.
- "I don't want to ruin my figure." Contrary to popular opinion, breastfeeding will not make your breasts sag. Sagging is mostly caused by heredity.
- "It's just not me." Your baby doesn't know that. She thinks it's perfect for her. Try it for 6 weeks. You might find out having a baby changes you and it really is you. Or if you don't like it, you can switch to formula and your baby will have gotten some invaluable health benefits.
- "I have to go back to work." There are many ways to combine employment and breastfeeding.
- "I don't want to be tied down." Breastfed children are very portable! It is much easier to go out without all the paraphernalia you need for formula feeding.
- "My breasts are too small (or large)." Breast size has nothing to do with the underlying milk producing structures.
- "It hurts." If it hurts, then you most likely do not have the baby positioned correctly. Contact a lactation consultant for help. Breastfeeding is a learned skill. It takes a little time for the breastfeeding pair to get good at it.
- "Well, if you only need to do it for 6 weeks why should I start?" Breastfeeding provides benefits to the mother and child for as long as you do it. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for at least two years. Around the world it is not unusual to find children breastfed for several years or more.
- "I don't want to do it in public." Feeding your child is the most natural thing in the world. It is terrible that we are asked to hide when we breastfeed. Every time you breastfeed in public, you are helping to change this. If discretion is important to you, there are that can help you nurse discretely.
p/s: i've been successfully breastfeed Eirfan almost a year now. and for Erisya, it last until 14-months.and i'm so proud of it!

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